Participate in a Study

Welcome to the WE-SPARK Research Registry. At WE-SPARK, we strive to create a central hub for health research in our community. By participating in research studies, you can play a vital role in informing future health practices, decisions and outcomes for others.

If you are interested in participating in a study, you can browse our database to see if you are eligible. If you aren’t ready to participate right now but would like to stay informed about WE-SPARK initiatives, join as a community member.

If you are a researcher and would like to have your study listed, please click the button below.

Research Registry Request

Active – Recruiting = studies that are actively looking for participants
Active – Not Recruiting = studies that are active but are not currently looking for participants.
Completed = studies that have been completed and are no longer recruiting. Study results will be provided once they are available.

Would you like to learn more about your memory while doing fun cognitive tasks online?

Would you like to learn more about your memory while doing fun cognitive tasks online?

Answering basic demographics and health questions Completing questionnaires about your mood and current cognitive functioning Completing memory and attention tests online These tests would be done in a 1-hour long session. Participants will also be invited to complete a second 30-minute session one month later.
Volunteers Needed for Prospective Memory Study

Volunteers Needed for Prospective Memory Study

For this study, you will first be screened for eligibility. Then, you would fill out some questionnaires on your mood and rumination and complete a memory task four times within a week. All tests would be done online, so you could participate in this study from your own home.
Windsor Essex Sewing Force - Mask User Survey

Windsor Essex Sewing Force - Mask User Survey

Looking for individuals who are wearing (or have worn) homemade cloth facemasks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Windsor Essex Sewing Force Volunteer Survey

Windsor Essex Sewing Force Volunteer Survey

Looking for individuals who have volunteered with the Windsor Essex Sewing Force to complete a survey to learn more about the experience of volunteering with a mask making group during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Your experience matters! 
Teach a Person to Fish: An Examination of the Functionalities of Outdoor Classrooms in Windsor-Essex

Teach a Person to Fish: An Examination of the Functionalities of Outdoor Classrooms in Windsor-Essex

This study explores how adult educators of youth aged 4-13 in Windsor-Essex interpret the functionalities of outdoor classrooms; that is, how designs, features and other aspects of outdoor classrooms make them serviceable to the educators and their students.
Local Study Looking for Patient Participation

Local Study Looking for Patient Participation

Looking for patients to volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire asking about your awareness, experience and opinions about clinical trials. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes. Your participation would be completely voluntary and confidential.
Local Study Looking for Physician Participation

Local Study Looking for Physician Participation

Looking for Physicians to volunteer to participate in this study.  You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire asking about your awareness, experience and opinions about clinical trials. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes. Your participation would be completely voluntary and confidential.
Caring for the Caregiver

Caring for the Caregiver

Exploring the experiences of caregivers who are providing care to an adult family member who is living with mental illness in Windsor-Essex.
Perceptions of Teaching Strategies for Fundamental Movement Skills in Primary Physical Education

Perceptions of Teaching Strategies for Fundamental Movement Skills in Primary Physical Education

Looking for Primary School Teachers to take a brief survey!
How has COVID-19 Affected Children in Southwestern Ontario?

How has COVID-19 Affected Children in Southwestern Ontario?

We invite you and your child to take part in a study on the mental health and activities of children in the Windsor-Essex area during the COVID-19 crisis. We invite families to complete an initial survey followed by 7 monthly follow-up surveys. Each family will receive electronic gift cards for completing each survey ($12 for the first and $9 for each follow-up). For more information, please contact the email listed above.
Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare workers in Windsor-Essex

Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare workers in Windsor-Essex

Looking for Windsor-Essex Healthcare workers to complete brief survey about their experiences at work during the COVID-19 crisis.
Work & Well-Being Study

Work & Well-Being Study

The purpose of this study is to understand the links between employees’ work experiences and personal well-being.