Welcome to the WE-SPARK Research Registry. At WE-SPARK, we strive to create a central hub for health research in our community. By participating in research studies, you can play a vital role in informing future health practices, decisions and outcomes for others.
If you are interested in participating in a study, you can browse our database to see if you are eligible. If you aren’t ready to participate right now but would like to stay informed about WE-SPARK initiatives, join as a community member.
If you are a researcher and would like to have your study listed, please click the button below.
Would you like to learn more about your memory while doing fun cognitive tasks online?
Volunteers Needed for Prospective Memory Study
Windsor Essex Sewing Force - Mask User Survey
Windsor Essex Sewing Force Volunteer Survey
Teach a Person to Fish: An Examination of the Functionalities of Outdoor Classrooms in Windsor-Essex
Local Study Looking for Patient Participation
Local Study Looking for Physician Participation
Caring for the Caregiver
Perceptions of Teaching Strategies for Fundamental Movement Skills in Primary Physical Education
How has COVID-19 Affected Children in Southwestern Ontario?
Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare workers in Windsor-Essex
Work & Well-Being Study