COVID-19 online resource hub available

Apr 03, 2020

WE-SPARK Health Institute Executive Director Lisa Porter. LINDSAY CHARLTON / Windsor Star

Dr. Lisa Porter, Executive Director WE-SPARK Health Institute


A local health care organization has launched an online COVID-19 resource hub to provide the community with reliable, fact-based information.

Executives at WE-SPARK Health Institute met with some healthcare partners and discussed how best to direct people to reliable information.

Some wanted mental health links for their families, or local numbers or even information on moving a research idea forward.

WE-SPARK launched its resource hub Monday offering statistics, research opportunities, information and resources for healthcare professionals, mental health supports, local updates and supports for children and teens.

“We created this one-stop-shop resource — for researchers, healthcare providers and our community — there’s something there for everyone” stated Dr. Lisa Porter, Executive Director WE-SPARK Health Institute.

To view the full list of information and resources,

WE-SPARK Health Institute is a strategic partnership that unites health research excellence across Windsor-Essex. A collaboration between the University of Windsor, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College and Windsor Regional Hospital, its mission is to enhance the health, well-being and care of people through transformative research and knowledge translation.

