Apr 22, 2020

Officials with Windsor Regional Hospital, St. Clair College, Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and the University of Windsor

sign an agreement to create WE SPARK. March 9, 2020 (Photo by AM800's Teresinha Medeiros)


21 research grants have been awarded through the WE-SPARK Health Institute and the University of Windsor.

According to a release from the University of Windsor, the projects will involve thousands of participants and range from designing personal protective equipment (PPE) to optimizing rapid detection of COVID-19, to examining the psychological and physical impact of the pandemic.

“All health care employees are facing unique challenges due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and these challenges will, undoubtedly impact their well-being over time” said Janice Kaffer, President and CEO of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. “These WE-SPARK grants will allow us to engage with health care providers across Windsor Essex to determine how we can best support, promote, and restore their emotional well-being during, and after, the pandemic. This work is a great example of how the WE-SPARK Health Institute’s ongoing support of local researchers and health care providers will fundamentally improve healthcare in our area.”

Funds for the 21 projects were provided by WE-SPARK Health Institute in the amount of $79,000. 

The University of Windsor Office of Research and Innovation provided matching funds for 18 of the grants, in the amount of $64,000.

Courtesy: https://www.iheartradio.ca/am800/news/143-000-awarded-locally-for-covid-19-research-1.12209828
