21 research grants have been awarded through the WE-SPARK Health Institute and the University of Windsor.
According to a release from the University of Windsor, the projects will involve thousands of participants and range from designing personal protective equipment (PPE) to optimizing rapid detection of COVID-19, to examining the psychological and physical impact of the pandemic.
“All health care employees are facing unique challenges due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and these challenges will, undoubtedly impact their well-being over time” said Janice Kaffer, President and CEO of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. “These WE-SPARK grants will allow us to engage with health care providers across Windsor Essex to determine how we can best support, promote, and restore their emotional well-being during, and after, the pandemic. This work is a great example of how the WE-SPARK Health Institute’s ongoing support of local researchers and health care providers will fundamentally improve healthcare in our area.”
Funds for the 21 projects were provided by WE-SPARK Health Institute in the amount of $79,000.
The University of Windsor Office of Research and Innovation provided matching funds for 18 of the grants, in the amount of $64,000.
Courtesy: https://www.iheartradio.ca/am800/news/143-000-awarded-locally-for-covid-19-research-1.12209828