$180,000 WE-SPARK Grant Call

Aug 05, 2020

WE-Spark Health Institute is now accepting applications for funding to stimulate the development of early-stage, novel, and innovative health research and education projects in Windsor-Essex.

The WE-Spark Igniting Discovery Grants will provide funding for applications that have any health research focus across all health themes: biomedical research; clinical research; implementation science; educational health programs; health services research; and social, cultural, environmental, and population health research.

These projects may include studies related to emerging topics in health, addressing gaps, catalyzing new ideas, generating and disseminating knowledge, and sparking collaborations.

“The objectives of these grants are far-ranging” said executive director Lisa Porter. “Not only will they generate interest and an eagerness in the Windsor-Essex health research environment, we believe these grants will result in practice changes, policy reform, create new knowledge, support local patients, residents and communities, and attract larger funding from other sources.”

Principal applicants must be from one of WE-Spark’s four partner institutions: the University of Windsor, Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College, or Windsor Regional Hospital.

The total amount available is $180,000, and may increase if additional funding partners or internal collaborators participate. The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $20,000 for one year. There is also a Cancer Priority call, Seeds4Hope grants sponsored by the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. Seeds4Hope can have a maximum budget of $40,000 for one year.

The Notice of Intent deadline Is Aug. 7, 5 p.m.

For complete information including Guidelines and Application Forms, visit www.wesparkhealth.com/grants-16/igniting-discovery-grants.

Courtesy: https://www.uwindsor.ca/dailynews/2020-08-04/we-spark-health-institute-launches-180000-grant-call
