NUCLEUS: Infrastructure Grant Assistance

Aug 06, 2020

NUCLEUS - Network of Core Labs Enabling Solutions – is a core component of the WE-SPARK Health Institute.

One of the mandates of the working group is to support the growth of health research infrastructure amongst WE-SPARK partner institutions.  To this end, NUCLEUS is offering assistance to institute members who are planning on or would be interested in applying to various equipment grant competitions (e.g. CFI, NSERC RTI and others).  Assistance will come in the form of helping assemble teams of researchers, identify grant competitions most suited to the infrastructure request, and offer critical review of the science and grantsmanship of preliminary drafts in advance of grant deadlines. The major goal of this endeavor is to strengthen infrastructure grant proposals, increase the number of submitted infrastructure grants from partner institutions, and improve success rate.  Another goal is to identify infrastructure gaps and needs of the WE-SPARK research community.  

We invite members to submit the following:

A. Provide a short descriptive paragraph of the infrastructure of interest (less than 0.5-page, single spaced). Provide rationale for the infrastructure request and describe the major research applications possible with the infrastructure.

B. List all the pieces of equipment/infrastructure and the approximate costs. Quotes are not required at this time. Approximate cost will allow for identification of suitable granting organizations and relevant competitions. 

C. Provide a list of potential users if known.  Specific names of individuals are not required. However, listing of relevant health research positions (e.g. cardiologist, mental health specialist, protein biochemist) would help identify potential grant co-applicants/collaborators/users.

Deadline: Monday, August 31, 2020.

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