In the News

Community group reaches milestone in creating hand-made masks

Community group reaches milestone in creating hand-made masks The Windsor-Essex Sewing Force this month surpassed creation of over 25,000 hand-made masks and caps for the local community.

Quarterly report details WE-Spark Health Institute progress

Quarterly report details WE-Spark Health Institute progress WE-Spark Health Institute highlights its key accomplishments in a report covering May to July 2020.

Communication key during early days of COVID-19 pandemic: HDGH CEO

Communication key during early days of COVID-19 pandemic: HDGH CEO Janice Kaffer was interviewed following WE-SPARK Health Institute's online speaker series where Kaffer spoke on September 9th.

Windsor group lands $50K grant to develop low-cost ventilator

Windsor group lands $50K grant to develop low-cost ventilator Credits WE-SPARK Health Institute for connecting him with the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation COVID-19 Taskforce’s Ventilator Group to make the linkage with Leschyna that started things rolling.

Student designing toolkit for communicating health research

Student designing toolkit for communicating health research A UWindsor student is designing a toolkit to help health researchers disseminate information about their work.

Healthcare researchers and executives to engage in conversations on COVID-19

Healthcare researchers and executives to engage in conversations on COVID-19 A series of conversations will pair healthcare executives with researchers in September to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report details impact of academic and healthcare partnership

Report details impact of academic and healthcare partnership WE-Spark Health Institute has released a report detailing the impact of its first year of operation.

Heroes, or just doing our job? The impact of COVID-19 on registered nurses in a border city

Heroes, or just doing our job? The impact of COVID-19 on registered nurses in a border city Some nurses who live in Windsor, Ont. work at hospitals in Detroit, just across the Ambassador Bridge

Registry to bring together research studies and participants

Registry to bring together research studies and participants A new research registry brings studies and participants together in a central location.
