Mapping the Census with R

This workshop is hosted by Leddy Library. The Canadian Census is among one of the most important datasets providing information about Canadian population by their demographic, social and economic characteristics. Learning how to transform statistical tables of the census into maps by using census geographies helps us gain a better understanding of the datasets.

This workshop will explore how to incorporate and visualize census data in R. Specficially, you will learn how to obtain and clean census data, join census tables with census boundary files, and create a choropleth map to identify patterns about the population.

Please not: This workshop builds on workshop "Introduction to R" (a recommended prerequisite for those with no previous R experience) but isn't necessary.

Before attending the workshop, please complete the following:

Thursday, February 11 from 12:00-1:00pm.

Join the workshop using this link. More information about other research data workshops can be found on the Leddy Library website.
