Understanding the Landscape for a Shelter Health initiative in Windsor, Ontario

Understanding the Landscape for a Shelter Health initiative in Windsor, Ontario

Understanding the Landscape for a Shelter Health initiative in Windsor, Ontario

Dr. Jennifer Bondy

University of Windsor

FUNDER: WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery Grant


Related Programs:
Nucleus Cores:

In this proposed project, we will bring together community partners to conduct a needs assessment study for the purpose of: (1) developing strategies that align existing local services and patient data and (2) acquire an understanding of best and promising practices associated with similar networks in other regions.


University of Windsor

  • Dr. Adrian Guta
  • Dr. Kathy Pfaff

St. Clair College

  • Hali Sitarz
  • Ivy Dressor
  • Rose Plantus

Hôtel Dieu Grace Hospital

  • Dr. Jennifer Voth

Windsor Regional Hospital

  • Jonathan Foster
  • Grace Park


  • David Hallett

Canadian Mental Health Association Health Services

  • Charlene Salmon

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University

  • Temitole Akintola
  • Karen Michael
  • Alex Zhou