Neurosurgery Endovascular Robotic Platform

Neurosurgery Endovascular Robotic Platform

Neurosurgery Endovascular Robotic Platform

Dr. Abdul Naeem

Windsor Regional Hospital

FUNDER: WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery Grant


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Our main goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of having a robotic platform perform a mechanical thrombectomy in a 3D-printed patient anatomy model. I have been developing a prototype for the proposed robotic platform using my engineering background in electrical engineering. The prototype needs to be finalized and subsequently tested on 3D-printed patient anatomy models prior to proceeding with animal testing. The project would be devised into two stages: Stage 1: The robotic platform is tested on 3D-printed patient anatomy models. Multiple endovascular surgeons trial the robotic platform and data is collected for further refinement and optimization. Stage 2: With the feedback generated from the endovascular surgeons in Stage 1, an optimized robotic platform will be trialed in a pig model to collect data. If successful at the animal stage, the device will then be tested in clinical trials.
