Evaluation and Impact of an Oral Health Education Program in a Mental Health Inpatient Setting

Evaluation and Impact of an Oral Health Education Program in a Mental Health Inpatient Setting

Evaluation and Impact of an Oral Health Education Program in a Mental Health Inpatient Setting

Luke Di Paolo

Windsor Regional Hospital

FUNDER: Tayfour-Emara Excellence in Research & Education Fund

DURATION: 2024-2025

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Oral health is crucial for overall well-being, yet individuals with psychiatric disorders often experience severe dental issues exacerbated by medication-induced xerostomia and avoidant behaviours towards oral care. Socioeconomic factors and gender differences further impact oral health, with disadvantaged groups facing greater barriers to dental care. Despite the recognized link between mental and oral health, reserach on effective oral health interventions in inpatient settings remains limited. To address this gap, Windsor Regional Hospital implemented an Oral Education program in December 2022 within its acute care mental health unit, aiming to provide tailored interventions directly to patients. This project will evaluate the program's impact on patients' oral health knowledge, behaviours, and quality of life over time, considering variations across different mental health conditions and socio-demographic factors. Anticipated results include a clearer understanding of the program's effectiveness, identification of potential enhancements, and development of informed policy recommendations to better integrate oral health into patient care. 

By enhancing the understanding of how targeted oral health interventions affect patients in acute mental health settings, this project will refine care practices and inform policy changes, ultimately improving oral health outcomes and overall patient well-being. The insights gained are expected to support the development of standardized tools and practices, ensuring more effective integration of oral health care into mental health treatment.


Windsor Family Health Team (WFHT)

  • Margo Reilly
  • Jennifer Ridsdale

Windsor Regional Hospital

  • Rio Anzolin 
  • Grace Park


Windsor Regional Hospital

  • Jonathan Foster

University of Windsor

  • Nesya Walls
  • Rija Fatima
  • Lara Kashash

St. Clair College

  • Dr. Kharmi Dhillon
  • Dr. Stephanie De Francheschi
  • David Potocek
  • Carmen Clayton
  • Leslie Morneau
  • Rosemarie Turton