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With a number of collaborative, cross-institutional research projects growing, we recognize the need to have shared tools available to all health research stakeholders.

WE-SPARK Health Institute, with support provided by UWindsor IT services and ORIS, has acquired REDCap on behalf of our health researchers. REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. It allows for the following features:

  • Easy database creation — no IT consultation needed
  • User friendly interface for form building and data entry
  • Supports longitudinal studies, clinical trials, operations research
  • PHIPAA-compliant
  • Collaborate with anyone from anywhere by adding them to your project
  • User Rights Module and Data Access Groups to control who can do what within your project
  • Extensive audit trail and logging of user activities
  • Automated data export option to most statistical packages
  • Customized functionality through External Modules and REDCap API

Is REDCap right for me?

If you're planning a research project, REDCap offers a robust solution for secure data management. This web-based platform provides tools for building surveys, constructing databases, and streamlining data collection, storage, and access. Its focus on compliance and user-friendly features make it a powerful choice for WE-SPARK researchers.

REDCap simplifies many aspects of research data management. Designing custom surveys with various question types and branching logic. Building secure databases tailored to your project's needs. Tracking data updates with audit trails and export data in various formats for analysis.

It is available at no charge to all WE-SPARK Health Institute members. Any members can request a personal consultation for their projects at the top of this page. 

View a demo REDCap database.


Please contact if you have any questions about REDCap.
