General Cancer Information

American Cancer SocietyGeneral information, research, cancer types, etc.
Breast Cancer.OrgTypes of breast cancer
Breast Cancer Society of CanadaAsk a research a question!
Brain Tumour Foundation
of Canada
General information, support, getting involved, research, etc.
Canadian Breast Cancer NetworkPatient Path - Guiding you through your breast cancer diagnosis
Canadian Cancer SocietyFinancial Support
General information, support, getting involved, research, etc.
Cancer.NetNavigating cancer care, coping with cancer, survivorship
Cancer Care Ontario

Cancer care during COVID-19 pandemic
Cancer treatments

National Cancer Institute

Cancer Misconceptions
Genetics of Cancer
Types of Cancer
Understanding your treatment

WE-SPARK Cancer ProgramAsk the Expert Series
Research, community outreach, etc.
Windsor Regional HospitalCancer Program