Mental Wellness & Coping with Cancer



American Cancer SocietyHow to be a friend to someone with cancer
Brain Tumour Foundation of CanadaCancer support group
Canadian Cancer Society

Cancer patient peer-support forum
Grief & Cancer
How to help someone with cancer

Canadian Mental Health Association

Mental health information and local services

Cancer.NetSupporting a friend with cancer
Cancer Care Ontario

Managing symptoms, side effects & well-being

Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)
Cancer patient stories
Tips for smoking cessation
Hospice of Windsor-Essex County

Information & services

National Foundation for Cancer
Cancer apps

Coping with cancer

WellspringCommunity-based centres offering free
programs & services, without referra
Windsor Public LibraryCancer Peer Support Group
Windsor Regional Hospital

RENEW Life After Cancer Program (Video)
Tips for quitting smoking

University of Windsor

Smoke-free campus resources
