Medical vs. 2-Ply Cotton Masks: A Research Update

Date / Time:
October 6th 2021 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Windsor, ON, CA
This Community Events ( Past Event ) Has Ended

Join Dr. Ken Drouillard on Wednesday October 6th, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 pm EST to hear a research update on the effectiveness of cloth masks. This project was initially funded by a WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery Grant in 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused shortages for certified personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by Canadian Health Care Workers (HCW). Despite success to mobilize non-health care institutions to donate PPE stocks, these additional community reserves became exhausted. Hospitals communicated a need for homemade masks that could be used in non-critical areas of operations for inpatients. This project interfaced with a community volunteer network, Windsor-Essex Sewing Force (WESF), to implement a testing and quality control program to optimize production of high quality homemade masks for donation to Windsor-Essex health care institutions. 
